Monday, October 22, 2018

Fixing yum command on linux

You may find yourself having to fix more packages. So you can just remove everything you had installed via pipand reinstall everything that you had installed via yumBEWARE. The following uninstalls yum itself:

pip  freeze --local | xargs pip uninstall -y

# Actually clear out ALL python stuff:
rm -rf /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages

# Install yum:
rpm -ihv --force --replacepkgs
rpm -ihv --force --replacepkgs

# Fix yum:
yum info yum --show-duplicates
yum reinstall yum-3.4.3-154.el7.centos.1
yum reinstall yum-*

# Reinstall everything:
yum -y upgrade # in case reinstall isn't possible for older version packages which are no longer available
yum -y reinstall \*

If may seem a little harsh to reinstall everything but this will definitely fix the system and whatever Python packages you had “broken” via pip (example pyOpenSSL or MySQL-python).

Fixing yum command on linux

You may find yourself having to fix more packages. So you can just remove everything you had installed via  pip and reinstall everythin...